Saturday, August 30, 2008

DNC Protest w/IVAW, Anarchist Contingents, and FOX NEWS!

I am so pissed I couldn't be there. It would be so worth the bail money.

The complete illegality of the holding center in Denver intended for protestors. The title of this video is apt, "The U.S. Constitution Repealed & Martial Law Declared for Democratic National Convention":

Iraq Veterans Against the War at the Democratic National Convention protest:

Dead Prez, duh:

In this one it's easy to see that a lot of people are getting arrested alone, which is the subject of another blog post altogether. In addition to the importance of contingency groups, going limp is a bad idea people! That's called "resisting arrest," and you risk real charges in that scenario.

Code Pink member violently arrested, which is really bizarre because... it's Code Pink, for Christ's sake:

And for the sake of humor, Fox News being fair and balanced at the DNC protests... what exactly is out of control here? And I loved the sly commentary on Ward Churchill.

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